The protection of biodiversity is one of the most important challenges of contemporary societies. Indeed, as scientists have noted, there is a clear decline in habitats and ecosystems and a rate of species disappearance that has not occurred until now. Climate change and the entry into a new era called “the Anthropocene” are already bringing deep changes in ecosystems, habitats, and species. The European Union (EU) adopted in 1979 the directive on the conservation of wild birds and in 1992 the directive on habitats reinforcing its commitment to protect these and different species of fauna and flora under the umbrella of the Natura 2000 network. The EU is also a Party to several international biodiversity conventions. These regulations have given rise to a significant number of judgments by the EU Court of Justice interpreting the strict obligations that fall on the authorities of the Member States. However, these rulings evince that the objectives to “halt” biodiversity decline or to bring nature “back into our lives” as now expressed in the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 still require further efforts to achieve them. This book provides a legally rigorous analysis of EU biodiversity law exposing in a systematic way its scope, paying particular attention to its underlying structure and operation. It is an essential reading for all practitioners whose work involve an element of EU biodiversity law, for students on the subject and for any professionals who need to understand it.
Agustín García-Ureta is Professor of Administrative Law and Environmental Law at the University of the Basque Country.
Table of contents
Note to the Second Edition xix
Abbreviations xxiii
Chapter 1 International Conventions on Biodiversity of Relevance to the European Union
I. Introduction
II. The Convention on Biological Diversity
III. The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
IV. The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
V. The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat
VI. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Chapter 2 European Union environmental bases and their application in the case of biodiversity
I. Introduction: genesis of EU environmental policy
II. Context and purpose of EU action in environmental matters
III. Objectives
IV. Principles
V. Distribution of powers between the EU and Member States in environmental matters
VI. Legal bases for the adoption of measures for environment protection
Chapter 3 Rights of Nature and the EU: new paradigm, or a way to improve existing obligations?
I. Introduction
II. Failures of biodiversity laws: The EU case
III. RoN and the EU: legal revolution, new paradigm, or new grounds to amend or improve existing instruments? The case of the “Mar Menor” lagoon
IV. Concluding remarks
Chapter 4 The Wild Birds Directive
I. Genesis and general context of the Wild Birds Directive
II. Structure of the WBD
III. Scope of application of the WBD
Chapter 5 The obligation to classify special protection areas for birds: substantive and formal matters
I. General framework of the obligations in the WBD
II. Legal scope and relationship between articles 3 and 4 WBD
III. SPA classification
IV. Number of species for the purpose of SPA classification
V. Territories to be classified as SPAs
VI. Obligation to classify SPAS: formal issues
VII. Declassification of SPAs
Chapter 6 Measures for the protection of special protection areas 197
I. General matters
II. CJEU case law on measures for the protection of SPAS
Chapter 7 Protection of wild birds in the WBD: prohibitions and exemptions
I. Structure of prohibitions and exemptions and obligations to transpose the WBD
II. General prohibitions in Article 5 WBD
III. The WBD and hunting: general issues
IV. The WBD and hunting seasons
V. Prohibited hunting methods
VI. Trade in wild birds
VII. Exceptions to the prohibitions of the WBD: general issues
VIII. Grounds for exceptions in article 9(1) WBD
IX. Administrative requirements for the adoption of exemptions from the prohibitions of the WBD
X. Other relevant rules in the WBD
Chapter 8 Directive 92/43 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora: genesis, structure, and scope
I. General issues of Directive 92/43
II. Scope of the Habitats Directive
III. General reports on the application of the HD
Chapter 9 Special areas of conservation
I. Special areas of conservation: relationship between SCIs, SACs and SPAs
II. The Natura 2000 network
III. Classification of SACs: general matters
IV. Classification of SACs: stages of the procedure
V. Declassification of special areas of conservation
Chapter 10 Protection of special areas of conservation
I. Introduction
II. Management measures and protected sites
III. Obligation to avoid deterioration and disturbances
Chapter 11 Natura 2000 sites and environmental impact assessment
I. Introduction
II. The relationship between paragraphs 2 (deterioration and disturbances), and 3 (environmental assessment) of Article 6 HD
III. Affected sites under Article 6(3) HD
IV. Plans, programmes, and projects: relationship between the HD and Directives 2011/92 and 2001/42
V. The location criterion
VI. Likelihood of effects, sites’ conservation objectives, and predetermination of the need for an EIA
VII. Content of an “adequate assessment”
VIII. Public information
IX. Exceptions in the case of a negative EIA: general issues
X. Available exemptions in the case of activities with a negative environmental impact assessment
Chapter 12 Species protection in the HD
I. General remarks
II. Need for literal transposition and relationship to prohibitions set out in the CCEW
III. Strict protection: annex IV species
IV. Derogations from the prohibitions on species
V. Species introduction
Chapter 13 Natura 2000 and environmental liability directive
I. Introduction
II. Scope
III. Concluding remarks
Chapter 14 The role of criminal law for the protection of species and habitats
I. Introduction
II. Offences
III. Penalties
Chapter 15 The regulation on nature restoration and its possible impact on the WBD and HD
I. Introduction
II. Objectives and scope ratione loci of the restoration regulation
III. Ecosystems and habitats
IV. The definition of restoration
V. Restoration targets in the case of terrestrial, coastal, freshwater
VI. National defence
VII. Restoration targets in the case of marine ecosystems
VIII. Agricultural and forest ecosystems
IX. Urban ecosystems
X. Pollinators’ restoration
XI. National restoration plans
XII. Concluding remarks